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BGaming's Yulia Aliakseyeva Spoke about the Company's Plans

02 february 2023
Author: James Burton

Yulia Aliakseyeva, the co-CPO of BGaming, gave a lengthy interview regarding ICE 2023, held on February 7−9 in the UK capital.

BGaming business plans: general info

The gambling brand has made a particular impression at the fair due to such special occasions:

  • cooperation with the artist Thumbs;
  • presentation of mobile games;
  • introducing a loyalty system.

The expert said that her firm presented a wide range of new items at the event. Yulia Aliakseyeva also spoke about expectations for 2023, new products, and much more.

Provider's Assortment and Goals

The extensive catalogue of titles offered by BGaming includes:

  • table emulators;
  • roulettes;
  • traditional slot machines;
  • casual amusement, etc.

In 2023, scratch entertainment will also be presented in Latin America, a territory that has shown particular interest in BGaming's developments. Operators will be able to take advantage of amusement possibilities effortlessly, as they only need to use an API to connect BGaming’s programs.

The main objective pursued by the corporation has been the same for several years. The brand seeks to give users an exclusive experience, thus, differentiating itself from other firms. The customisation of the gambling offer makes BGaming a benchmark in the industry.

In 2023, the agency will focus on the most exclusive content, which has increased its popularity worldwide over time. The corporation will continue to comply with industry regulations, striving to provide a wide range of exclusive content to players.

The fresh releases will be the result of careful data analysis provided by operators, which further increases the choice of exclusive content. This factor promises higher revenues for the owners of amusement projects.

Fresh Loyalty Program from BGaming

BGaming loyalty program: features

During the ICE 2023 trade fair, the company's team presented details of the new software created. It is a significant program to improve the degree of player loyalty. This innovation represents a valuable addition for gambling operators.

At the exhibition, visitors to the BGaming stand saw numerous famous personages. Among them, Elvis Frog, the protagonist of the eponymous slot, was shown in a different light. The artist named Thumbs changed the atmosphere of BGaming products, making them more creative.

In the words of Ms Aliakseyeva, the cooperation with the renowned artist from London was a testament to the company's commitment to trying new experiences. Similar collaborations will be brought to other famous iGaming events. In this way, the corporation will show its work in a different light and promote local talents.

For commercial purposes, the provider has also created customised souvenirs and gifts featuring Thumbs' artistic interpretation of BGaming's most popular characters.

Opinions on the Fair

Yulia Aliakseyeva expressed her thoughts about ICE 2023, emphasising that the main goal of the event has always been to create links between the leaders working in the sector. In addition, the agency tried to show its cutting-edge approach to designing new titles. According to the BGaming spokeswoman, this fair allows entrepreneurs to better understand what the players' needs are and work together to offer new solutions.

The developer’s team constantly evolves and remains open to fresh ideas. The company considers collaboration between suppliers and operators as a method that can renew the industry.

BGaming was very active at ICE in London, attempting to provide customers with a diverse range of modern options and tested offerings.

Such teams from BGaming participated in ICE 2023:

  • technical representatives;
  • commercial departments;
  • creative staff, etc.

Guests at the fair could talk to the company's specialists about content creation and promotion. Ms Aliakseyeva said she is confident that BGaming will make more new acquaintances in the future.

Creation of Customised Content

BGaming customised slots

The trend towards differentiation has allowed firms to be distinguished from competitors. This tendency came after a long collaboration with casino platforms. The BGaming team worked on the analysis of gambling data and a more profound understanding of players' habits. In this way, it was possible to understand what users wanted and provide them with an exclusive experience.

Ms Aliakseyeva stated that the BGaming development team had realised it needed to move beyond the conservative approach to creating slots. The previous method was outdated, expensive, and complex, resulting in boring products, too similar to others.

The agency's team prefers to focus on the proper ways to overcome obstacles. The group developed a helpful tool to manufacture imaginative titles quickly, economically, and flexibly. All this without ever coming to terms with the quality of the product. Such an approach also helped the firm deliver individualised products for a low price, which in some cases was even reduced to zero.

Customisation Possibilities Offered by BGaming

Thanks to the personalisation, players can enjoy fresh mechanics and math models. To meet the needs of operators, the BGaming team can modify the slot to suit the specific requirements of each casino.

For example, the company's professionals may:

  • add bonus sessions;
  • increase the amount of free spins;
  • change the design to fit the tastes of players in a particular territory;
  • insert a new character into the storyline;
  • change the audio track, etc.

This factor greatly enhances the attractiveness of the title for clients, which is why BGaming's solutions remain at the top of gamblers' preference charts for a very long time. User interest is one of the reasons why casino demand for customised content is increasing.

The developer seeks to strengthen its ties with operators by helping them offer players memorable and personalised experiences. The group consistently releases at least 3−4 individualised games per month for popular platforms, such as Blaz or BitStarz.

Also, during ICE 2023, the provider presented Drops, a solution for user engagement. The software is utilised for improving player loyalty and retention. Its mechanics are based on a real-time system of rewards. This helps add much interest and thrill to games.

Thoughts on 2022 and Plans for 2023

Ms Aliakseyeva was excited about 2022, which she described as successful. The company showed significant growth in several vital criteria, such as gambler engagement and revenue from games. In 2022, the agency also expanded its presence in various regulated markets and obtained a licence to operate in Romania.

The corporation is also set to obtain permits in the following countries:

  • Slovakia;
  • Georgia;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Greece.

BGaming strives to strengthen its position as a reliable, social, and player-oriented content producer. For this reason, the company gathers feedback on the work and tries to involve customers in the projection process of new titles. The most significant emphasis is placed on creating content that will also be appreciated by younger adults.

Ms Aliakseyeva expects to see a big focus on games developed on obtained data. The agency invests in this area and tries to adapt its services to the tastes of clients.

You can rent or buy BGaming’s content at Casino Market. Our professionals will recommend the best software for your business.

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