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How to Form a Strong Team of Online Casino Staff: Expert Opinion

Updated 15 december 2023
Online casino
Author: James Burton

Specialists of the Casino Market company are ready to reveal the secrets of successful recruitment. You will find out where to start searching for employees for your gambling platform and how to identify and motivate valuable personnel forming the circle of market leaders and like-minded people.

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Strong and United Team as a Huge Advantage

Online casino staff recruitment

Staff recruitment is an important task for iGaming startups and large casinos. Some people prefer to attract outsourcing firms, and others decide to spend huge funds on the cultivation of talents.

Both approaches have their benefits, but the companies that invest in people win in the long run.

Let us consider the main advantages of building a strong team of specialists.

Financial Aspect

It is much easier for operators to spend money on training once to eventually get a qualified professional for themselves rather than to frequently search for new employees.

Recruitment is always associated with additional costs for searching and improving skills, as well as with the risk that the fresh hire will be unsuitable for the job. This is why gambling and sports betting industries value experienced personnel. They work for one company for several years and become the core of the team.

In the casino niche, there is such a concept as ROR (Return On Relationships). The indicator shows the percentage of profit that an iGaming project received due to investing in human resources.

Benefits to Businesses

Team building allows entrepreneurs to get rid of all management work in the future. It includes such tasks as:

  • online casino operation;
  • communication with players and counterparties (software vendors, hosting providers, and payment aggregators);
  • conclusion of new partnership agreements;
  • marketing, and much more.

Thanks to their staff, owners of gambling platforms can concentrate on strategic tasks: business scaling, expansion into new markets, and diversification of activities.

Nuances of Image-Building

The reputation of iGaming brands is formed by many factors, including the presence of a strong team.

The growth and success of the personnel and the attraction of experienced professionals are signs of the online casino’s prosperity. In this case, affiliates, software vendors, and many other market participants will want to interact with such an enterprise.

Investments in the labour potential of firms, support for gender equality, as well as the creation of inclusive and safe workplaces are important social ESG standards.

Today, many top iGaming business owners adhere to these principles, which have a positive effect on their image and level of competitiveness.

What Kind of Employees Digital Casinos Need

Online casino employees: types of specialists

Startups are usually launched with a minimum of employees. When projects begin to gain momentum, they immediately face a shortage of staff.

Let us consider which specialists will benefit any modern gambling company.

C-Level Managers

These are executives, directors, heads of the board, and other professionals whose gradation depends on the size and structure of an enterprise.

They are often called C-managers (short for “chief”) and are responsible for a wide range of tasks:

  • development and implementation of the company’s policy;
  • interaction with regulators, tax authorities, and other control bodies;
  • speaking on behalf of the brand at industry events;
  • interaction with the media;
  • formation of strategic partnerships with counterparties;
  • study of the competitors’ experience, etc.

Almost all gambling commissions carefully check all candidates for key positions. The main focus is on previous labour activity, education, a clean criminal record, and other factors.

Thus, in Gibraltar and the United Kingdom, candidates are also interviewed by the representatives of the Commission.

Managers, Executives, and Department Employees

The larger the casino enterprise, the more divisions it has. The company’s structure is also affected by the nature of the activity. If a firm, for example, is engaged in the acceptance of bets and broadcasts games with live dealers, then these 2 business areas will need different managers.

The organisational framework of any iGaming platform includes:

  1. Legal department. Every legitimate project needs experienced lawyers. They solve many problems related to the registration and renewal of licences, the conclusion of partnership agreements and contracts with counterparties, the resolution of disputes, etc.
  2. Finance division. Online casinos are obliged to prepare reports (statistical, budgeting, and bookkeeping) on time, pay taxes and wages and make money transfers to B2B partners.
  3. Account management. This is a specific group of employees who monitor the quality and completeness of the entertainment catalogue on the gaming site. The office is responsible for the purchase and integration of content, as well as the timely addition of new products, progressive jackpot series, and slots with advanced mechanics.
  4. Technical support. The department faces hundreds of requests from clients and counterparties. Rapid troubleshooting, provision of consultations to B2B partners, and communication with payment aggregators are the tasks that the casino’s customer support service performs.
  5. Compliance. Employees focus on players, their requests or problems, and the improvement of the user experience. Such specialists communicate with gamblers, so they need to maintain efficiency and a positive attitude.
  6. Marketing. The department is responsible for the attraction and retention of a target audience, the formation of a loyal customer base, the launch of thematic promotions, and other activities that can interest clients. People who work in this division also interact with affiliates.

Outsourcing Firms

Online casinos often use the services of such enterprises. They delegate to third parties such one-time tasks as the creation of a website design, preparation of materials for the media, assistance with issues related to the entrance to new markets, and much more.

The gambling business can cooperate with consulting agencies and private outsourcers who carry out small orders.

Remote Employees

Home office work has become popular during the pandemic. Today, many sectors of the economy still prefer this method of organising the labour process.

The iGaming niche is among the industries with the largest number of remote staff. Most of the transactions in digital casinos are carried out online. This includes the resource's technical support, communication with users and B2B partners, acceptance of bets, and payout of prizes.

How to Find and Hire Valuable Personnel

Gambling companies are always looking for employees. Team building is necessary for both horizontal and vertical growth.

In the first case, brands enter new markets or change their business niche; in the second, they expand and improve already existing product lines. Enterprises need experienced managers and responsible executives who can quickly implement new ideas.

How to find qualified staff:

  1. Creation of a full-time personnel department. It should consist of recruiters and HR managers involved in searching, training, and preparing staff.
  2. Interaction with outsourcers. As a rule, large firms create special divisions within companies. Small startups and studios resort to the services of external HR specialists. Cooperation is formalised as a one-time contract or provided on an ongoing basis.

Recruitment always includes onboarding. This is a procedure for accepting new employees. It starts from the moment the contract is signed and lasts up to a year, depending on the company’s corporate culture. The process also includes probation and adaptation time for the recently hired staff.

Any gambling brand is interested in an effective recruitment procedure, the absence of personnel turnover, and a high retention rate. No one wants to waste time and financial resources on those who leave right after the test period.

Managers need more time to understand the work of online casinos and get to know the department staff. Therefore, their probation lasts from 8 months to 1 year. The adaptation period for an ordinary specialist is 6 months.

Tips for onboarding new online casino employees:

  • a clear job description with a specific list of responsibilities;
  • control over setting technical tasks;
  • communication and feedback at every stage of the process;
  • attachment of a mentor to a newcomer and provision of full support.

Motivation and Tracking Results

Motivation of casino staff: key features

To assess the staff efficiency, the following general metrics are used:

  • number of personnel;
  • time of hiring;
  • cost of training one employee;
  • adaptation period;
  • percentage of staff turnover;
  • retention level, and much more.

KPI metrics are used to evaluate specialists’ performance. These are conversion rate, customer lifetime value, profit, return on investment, and other parameters depending on the key tasks of the online casino department.

It is worth analysing KPIs over time. It is important for the owners of iGaming platforms to make sure that income and return on investment constantly grow while the costs fall. The level of profit is significantly affected by interaction with the casino's target audience. Therefore, when assessing KPIs, the emphasis must be placed on the success of marketing campaigns.

Motivation is one of the main factors that help entrepreneurs form an effective team. Material and non-financial rewards encourage employees to work harder, develop the company, and make creative suggestions.

Ways to embolden staff:

  1. Bonus system. It means extra payments for the achievement of good results, different allowances, percentages of sales, etc.
  2. Intangible motivation. This category includes social benefits and guarantees, as well as assistance in relocation, training, and skills development at the expense of the company, corporate awards, etc.

The Main Things about the Formation of a Strong Team

Qualified employees are the key to the success of iGaming platforms.

  • Building a good and reliable crew is beneficial for many reasons. The companies can reduce the cost of searching and training personnel because they hire only those who will become part of the enterprise for many years.
  • Online casinos need C-level managers, executives, and ordinary specialists. It is advisable to outsource one-time recruiting tasks.
  • The search and training of employees is carried out by the HR department or freelance professionals. The hiring process always includes onboarding. This is a probationary period and adaptation time, which lasts from 6 months to a year.
  • To analyse the effectiveness of staff, it is advisable to use KPI metrics. These are customer lifetime value, profitability, ROI, GGR, and much more.

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