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Statistical Overview of Evergrowing Market Development for Mobile iGaming Sector

Updated 22 march 2020
Online casino
Author: James Burton

Casino Market is gladly introducing the 2020 Mobile Dashboard.

Market development for the iGaming sector

This overview is meant to provide you with a clear insight into the mobile sector and the key figures it managed to achieve for the period from 2003 up until our farsighted predictions in 2024.

According to the charts, since 2003, the gross win has increased rapidly, increasing the total revenue from €25.2 billion this year to a whopping €41.4 billion in 2024. The overall rise equals 64%.

The total part of the iGaming sphere has also grown significantly, especially during the last 5 years. Casino Market experts are estimating about 42.6% of international interactive profits for the current year, up to 52.1% at the end of 2024.

Online casino: high demand for mobile-based platforms

When we pay attention to the sports betting, numerous operators claim a fair amount of their income is received exactly from the mobile direction. Judging from the statistical graph, it is about 66% of a gross win in particular.

Surpassingly, even though the European region is a leader of the international mobile gross win with a considerable difference, namely 56%, Oceania and Africa have a bit higher percentage of the domestic interactive revenue in the mobile sphere.

The reason for this can be simple – as fixed-line broadband wasn’t ideally developed in these regions, people just didn’t have access to the desktop platforms and immediately started using mobile devices later on.

Keep in mind that mobile-based platforms are now in high demand since people value their time and prefer convenience above all. Consequently, starting an online casino with a focus on these devices may be quite a lucrative idea.

Where to Order the Solution for Portable Devices?

Casino Market has extensive experience not only in data gathering and market intelligence directions.

You are more than welcome to order our mobile casino solution that includes a whole package of services on the organizational process with a guaranteed result. We appreciate your trust and do our best to make you feel happy.

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