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A Casino Instagram Project as a Promising Business in 2024

Updated 20 february 2020
Online casino, Marketing, Management
Author: James Burton

Instagram for the casino can and should be promoted. According to analysts of the Mediascope service, only in 2019, 1.1 billion people became users of this social network. The contribution of Russia is 60 million registered users. Today, a promising sphere is emerging that will provide the gambling portal with high conversion and customer involvement.

The Arbitration of Traffic With the Use of Instagram

The arbitration of traffic with the use of Instagram

The arbitration of traffic is the attraction of visitors to a gaming site with the use of some third-party resources. In this case, Instagram is the application that we are talking about.

Casino advertising on Instagram is well suited for CPA marketing, which is also based on traffic arbitrage. The concept of CPA (from the English word collocation “Cost-Per-Action”) perfectly reflects the specifics of the functioning of the platform. We can take advantage of the network of clicks on the link, searches for catchy posts, and the placement of useful links.

CPA marketing is classified as the most transparent payment for work. Customers receive high-quality audience growth, which is subsequently converted into an increase in profit. The responsible party (affiliate network, affiliate or blogger) requires a worthy reward proportional to the income of the gambling service.

Casino Advertising on Instagram: Advantages

The main advantages of promoting a gambling project through a social network are the following:

  • Wide audience. The target audience is perfect for online casinos. These are young men of purpose at the ages from 25 to 55 years. They like to relax playing a game that they like and get adrenaline from the placed bets. Users are not afraid to take risks and make large deposits, unlike those people for whom gambling is one of the types of earnings.
  • Fast launch. Even 2 or 3 likes from already promoted accounts will help the new page to quickly reach the top list in search queries. Thus, a powerful recommendatory network works, which does not require huge time expenditures. The increase in popularity happens like the snowball effect: it is enough to just “shoot” with a powerful post.
  • Minimum investment. Casino Instagram ads quickly pay off because the company pays only for a specific result. Take into account the number of clicks, links, and with subsequent registration and placement of deposits.
  • Popularity in the CIS countries. After the Ukrainian authorities blocked the Vkontakte service, its target audience has successfully moved to Instagram and Facebook. Moreover, Instagram is extremely popular in Russia and Kazakhstan. Good results can be achieved also in many European countries — the main thing is to correctly interact with the target audience.
  • Focus on creativity. Succinct posts with high-quality images are most valued. The platform offers wide opportunities for talented marketers who know exactly how to play on the strings of the interests of customers.

Arbitration Methods of a Casino on Instagram

Arbitration methods of a casino on Instagram

On the Instagram platform, casinos can be promoted with the help of the following methods:

Creation of a Special Account

Such an approach will certainly be successful in the long run. If you maintain the profile in a good condition, it will provide a stable conversion of players for some years to come. This is not a one-time promotion but a long process.

For this reason, only large and well-known online casinos have their own pages in the social network. Dozens of specialists work on its filling and promotion. These are advertisers, targetologists, copywriters, and other interested parties who create high-quality content.

Purchase of Casino Instagram Ads

As a rule, operators cooperate with influencers — opinion leaders in a particular industry. In the gambling niche, these are popular thematic bloggers, live streamers, and high rollers. The latter are professional players. Their reviews and recommendations are of highly valuable for an ordinary user who is interested in gambling.

Posts of opinion leaders are quite expensive. But such casino Instagram advertising will definitely increase the growth of traffic, so the needs justify the deeds.

Purchase of the Advertising From Special Exchange Houses

The artificially inflated traffic (AIT) and the likes of users are strictly controlled by the administration of the platform. For the use of mass-following and liking you can “catch the ban”, which is followed by the inclusion of the casino in the “black book”.

Nevertheless, there are legal ways to attract a huge pool of players. The task is handled by individual exchange houses that specialise in the traffic arbitration and pour useful links.

The casino Instagram will be advertised with pleasure by such companies as Epicstars, SpellFeed, Adstamer, and others. It is clear that their services will be rather expensive for operators.

Cooperation With Affiliates

These are mostly sole proprietors who are familiar with the structure of the gambling industry. They are not as famous as opinion leaders but the advantage of working with them is slightly different.

Interaction with influencers is based on the fact that they simply place advertising posts in their accounts. Sometimes publications are accompanied by relevant recommendations and comments.

As for the affiliates, they themselves think through an advertising strategy: create the content, promote it, and purchase links from other popular bloggers. In fact, these are professional marketers, and their creative platform is their own profile on Instagram.

Requirements for the Advertising Posts

Advertising of a casino on Instagram: requirements

Regardless of how operators increase the conversion, on their own or with the help of professionals, advertising of a casino on Instagram must correspond to several basic rules:

  1. Convenience is above all things. Any publication must have a well-thought-out structure, a search box, and a tag cloud. It is also important to have thematic hashtags. It is with their help that the post is displayed in Instagram search engines and other popular resources. The feature of the platform is that it itself suggests the most appropriate hashtags. This option is often used by marketers and SEO specialists to form the core of search requests.
  2. High-quality design. For a casino Instagram, the visual design is extremely important. Therefore, the content should be vivid and memorable. All photos must be carefully processed with the use of various graphics editors. It is important to post video files with a high resolution. It is exactly the video that shows the actual number of views, which is directly related to the growth of traffic.
  3. Call for action. The main goal of the page is to convince users to perform the required action: click on the picture, give likes, write a comment, follow the link, register on the gaming site, and make the first deposit. At the same time, unobtrusiveness is also important: the post recommends a particular casino but does not force people to immediately transfer funds to a gambling website.
  4. Updating of data. Such an “appendix” as new games and the launch of large-scale tournaments and profitable promotions — all this happens in an online casino on an incredibly regular basis. The task of the post is to timely brief on all the changes that will be interesting to gamblers.
  5. Focus on the news. In iGaming, new releases and other thematic news is a common thing to happen: the legislative framework is changing, releases of popular games are coming out, and big prizes are won. It is good when the latest news is mentioned in the posts. You can also insert comments from the industry experts but everything should be presented in an unobtrusive way.
  6. Only truthful information. When placing a press release of a new slot machine, it is important to provide only reliable data. Otherwise, the page will not only lose its audience but also get a “ban” from the administration.

The Independent Promotion of an Account

Those who decide to promote the company’s profile on their own will need some useful tools. In no case do we advertise these products but only show those solutions that have received positive feedback from many experts in the gambling field:

  • Ads Manager and Business Manager — free Facebook tools, which are also suitable for working with Instagram. With their help, you can manage multiple accounts, make money transactions, open access to an unlimited number of casino employees, and connect additional advertising on Facebook.
  • — a resource for finding original hashtags if the options offered on Instagram for some reason will be not enough.
  • GoogleImageFinder — a platform for the convenient parsing of images.
  • SMMPlanner — a service for the creation of the delayed publications.
  • ProxyCap — a tool that creates a unique Android emulator and the special software that will facilitate the work with the profile by using mobile devices and desktops.
  • SocialHammer — a worldwide service for getting AIT. However, when you are using this and other tools, it is important not to overdo. Otherwise, the account will be blocked.

A personal Instagram account also has useful settings and well-thought-out functionality. It will help beginners to quickly figure out how to advertise casinos correctly.


Instagram is a promising platform for the promotion of online casinos. It will increase conversion and attract solvent customers. The main thing is to understand all the nuances of the interaction with the service, and it will be even better to entrust this work to professionals.

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