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BetConstruct Introduces a Guide to Having an Appealing Website UX

09 march 2023
Author: James Burton

The gambling business has majorly grown and developed. With an ever-increasing number of studios hoping to make it big in the industry, it is especially significant to stand out from your competitors.

Creating a gambling site: BetConstruct's tips

BetConstruct has released a guide on having an appealing web portal, the main points of which you can find below.

Basics of Developing a Site

There are many things required for a successful business, such as marketing, quality products, and the right choice of jurisdiction. Also, companies have to take into account the appeal of their website.

The well-known provider BetConstruct spoke about all the arrangements that operators should take care of while setting up a portal.

Generally, there are 3 approaches an organisation can choose for creating its platform:

  • in-house development;
  • outsourcing;
  • making use of a platform from the B2B supplier.

Let us overview them in detail.

Developing a Site In-House

If creating a portal on their own, operators have the most control over the process.

However, there are a few potential pitfalls that should be considered:

  • time;
  • financial planning;
  • software integration.

Developing a gambling platform on your own from the beginning has some benefits to it. Still, this way is probably the most tedious and costly of all 3.

It is crucial to have a person on the team who can lead the process and knows everything about creating a gaming website. Usually, the backend of the platform is constructed in a specific way. Additionally, it should have compatibility with different outside programs, such as processors of financial transactions, various betting elements, and so on.

This arrangement is usually suggested solely if your company has a high budget for site development and enough time. Frequently, it takes about a year to create a portal from scratch, which is also not cheap. However, the effort and resources put into it may end up unjustified.

Outsourcing the Platform

Requesting a site from another studio can be beneficial in terms of not having to hire a group of creators. Nonetheless, this way means that you depend on the developers regarding deadlines and financial expenses.

When it comes to costs, this is a medium option. As you sign a contract with a third party, the terms can be settled. Potential spending on content creation will be comprehended at once and planned accordingly.

Still, this arrangement will only be perfect if the developing company meets all the deadlines and delivers a quality product. Quite often, when working on such a complex task, timelines can shift.

Becoming Partners with a B2B Provider

According to BetConstruct's experts, this way is the most effective. It does not require large amounts of time and other resources.

Cooperation with a supplier opens access to:

The provider will be constantly working on the site functionality and introducing new elements to improve the wagering experience for players. All the changes will be of use to operators. Additionally, a lot of respectable suppliers provide statistics, so partners can review the issues they have to deal with.

Multiplatformity: Responsive Design

Casino site development: multiplatformity

Since most people use multiple gadgets, optimising your portal for mobile and desktop users is an important task.

Keeping up with different versions of the website can be rather costly. Operators can save finances by using a responsive format, as they will only need to pay for one design. It will look the same through different devices.

The main peculiarities of such solutions are as follows:

  • Making improvements to this type of portal is easy, as they are saved on all versions.
  • Such a design brings a vastly improved customer experience and can persuade visitors to become regular users of your platform. There will be no more inconveniences such as having to scroll or zoom in, which in turn will enhance the experience for guests.
  • Responsive design makes running a site less stressful. It lets you make adjustments rapidly and effectively, without the need to recruit someone to deal with each part of the site. In addition, having one portal makes other parts of presenting your product on the market more manageable.

At Casino Market, you can learn everything about creating a portal and choose the most applicable way to launch your gambling platform. Contact our professionals to start fruitful cooperation.

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