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Bookmaker franchise: why is it profitable?

Updated 27 october 2018
Licensing, Betting
Author: James Burton

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The betting business is the largest industry that deals with the cycle of money. Thanks to the excitement of betters, this business continues to produce a profit. To set up a betting business using a bookmaker franchise is a reasonable decision, especially if you calculate the approximate expenses and potential revenues. A Casino Market company offers entrepreneurs to buy a bookmaker franchise and set up their own business.

How to set up a bookmaking (bookie) business

The bookmaker franchise will allow you to fully establish all business processes within two weeks and start making money. Franchising is the easiest way to set up a business, and together with Casino Market you will be able to avoid problems that many beginning entrepreneurs deal with.

This company will provide you with high-quality betting software and a well-developed bookmaker script. Those who cooperate with Casino Market receive a working company under a well-known brand and the turnkey bookmaker software with minimal financial investment.

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How Does the Betting Office Work

Principles of work performance of betting offices are more than simple: people place bets on certain outcomes of tournaments. In case of the realized expectations players receive money, but if they lose — the amount of money they have placed will be taken away by the bookmaker.

Bookmakers should constantly monitor everything that happens in the world of sports. Only a careful analysis of the sporting event allows them to determine the coefficient that will bring profit regardless of the outcome of the event itself. They use a theory of probability, statistics and expert commentaries for the analysis. All betting offices have their own systems, with the help of which they calculate coefficients.

All clients of betting offices can be divided into two groups:

  • An experienced player will play regularly. He is competent and uses a cold calculation of rates, and therefore he wins almost every time. These players do not go after a big bet, but they want the sports betting software to be user-friendly.

There is another category of experienced players who make rare bets in expectation of a big prize.

  • All the rest are ordinary dilettants. In most cases they place unsuccessful bets, because they are guided by emotions. Among them there are students, migrant workers and the crowd that is dreaming of quick money.

What is Franchising?

How to start a bookie business without spending a fortune? Pay attention to this business scheme. The franchising is when a franchisor grants another company (franchisee) his trademark on a leasehold basis.

A franchisor can be located in other cities or countries. The betting office, which has the rights to the brand, is called the same name, uses branded sports betting software for bookmakers and original business paradigm.

The franchise is offered only by those betting offices, which have completely established their business processes and developed an effective system that allows them to dominate at the market.

The Advantages of a Bookmaker Franchise

The franchise program presumes getting a franchise-tuned model. When clients decide to buy a bookmaker franchise they gain rights to the trademark (with all the accompanying components: appearance, etc.) and tools that are necessary for work. They can further advance and develop their business. However, in addition to the rights to use the brand, entrepreneurs acquire knowledge that helps them to work successfully towards this direction. Constant support is also enclosed.

When deciding to buy bookmaker's office or to open it on a franchise, you become a branch manager, which is considered a separate entity and has its own license.

If clients buy a bookmaker franchise, they will receive a number of additional services:

  • training of employees;
  • bookmaker software;
  • analytical services;
  • advertising and advisory services.

What are the advantages of a bookmaker franchise:

  • Brand recognition. A new betting office will soon begin to gain popularity due to brand awareness.
  • Business is developing very quickly. As a canonical example, it is worth considering the McDonald's franchise. When fast food first appeared in Moscow, a huge queue of 3 thousand people formed a human chain in front of the restaurant.
  • Learning process. All useful knowledge about how to set up a bookmaking (bookie) business successfully can be gained during master classes, lectures and training. Before you open an office on a bookmaker franchise, you need to master certain skills. Clients do not receive a mishmash — they get their own brand and sportsbook software. The franchisor will make sure that everything works out for you because the reputation of his brand is at stake. You will not have to pay tuition.
  • Advisory services. Franchisors of Casino Market have an unblemished reputation, provide informational support regarding how to start up a bookmaker business efficiently, as well as make sure that the franchisee does not make any mistakes.
  • Absence of expenses for the advertising campaign. Customers of Casino Market receive effective assistance in the organization of an advertising campaign. Moreover, the well-known and popular brand is already familiar to consumers.
  • Territorial segregation of the business. That is, you will not have to compete with betting offices, which have a common franchise.

Casino Market’s clients choose which bookmaker franchise to buy. It is possible to select the most suitable franchisor that will meet all expectations. You will also be given a betting script. However, the biggest advantage is that you will not be alone in this business: you will be supported and assisted in every possible way.

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The franchisor is interested in ensuring that his reputation remains unblemished, so the franchisee gets the unique bookmaker software. The franchisor will always support the franchisee and help him to turn around his business. You will also have an opportunity to buy betting software developed by specialists of Casino Market, if the original software does not suit you, or if you want to integrate more functions and capabilities into your office.

Bookmaker franchise by Casino Market company

Bookmaker Franchise: Prospects

It is beneficial to buy a bookmaker franchise, because this is how you will be able to protect yourself from financial risks, which are related to a strong competition at the market. A beginning entrepreneur will certainly face many problems: to find a location, to obtain a license, to get sports betting software for bookmakers, to find the initial capital, etc.

A young bookmaker usually makes a huge number of mistakes. And an experienced bookmaker can help him to avoid them. That is why it is better for a beginner to open a bookmaker's office for a franchise, to receive turnkey bookmaker software and a well-functioning working system:

  • The business will be launched in a few weeks.
  • First of all you need to have the initial capital.
  • A high income level allows you to quickly recover value and start earning money.

How to Set up a Bookmaking (bookie) Business: Five Steps

In order to successfully set up your own betting business you need to do the following things:

  1. Before you buy a bookmaker franchise, you need to choose it correctly. Casino Market provides a wide range of options for affiliate programs. Specialists of the company will help you to analyze the offered services and the quality of support.
  2. Acquisition of license. Casino Market will also help you do it. Moreover, working on the principle of franchising, at this stage you will not have any problems.
  3. If we are talking about how to set up a bookmaking (bookie) business online, you will need to get high-quality bookmaker software. Sports betting software should be user-friendly, simple and understandable.
  4. Calculation of coefficients. A specialist, who deals with quotations, should have analytical thinking, an excellent smell on important events in the world of sports and a rich working experience in this field.
  5. Creation of a reserve fund. How to start a bookmaking business without risks? Think over all financial emergencies. This is important, because there may be a situation when you will need to pay out a large amount of money. Some franchisors indicate the creation of a reserve fund as one of the main conditions.

Betting Software

Sports betting software for bookmakers

Since the sports betting software for bookmakers works with money flows, it should be reliable, maintain the offline working process, have a single managed system and a simple interface. If you want to buy betting software without pitfalls, we recommend you to contact Casino Market. This company offers advanced bookie software and does everything to ensure that clients do not get into any difficulties with it. Buying the original software, you protect yourself and your business. We also would like to warn you: it is extremely dangerous to buy a bookmaker script for 400 dollars on the Internet.

Clients can consult specialists of Casino Market for free and to discuss any matters of concern before they buy the bookmaker software. The described company does everything it can to make the customer's business develop and be successful and profitable.

What type of business would you like to start?
Turnkey online casino
Live casino
White Label casino
Bookmaker’s office
Choose the type of gambling business to go to the next step
Turnkey online casino

Get a unique opportunity to enter the lucrative entertainment market in just a few months. Order the development of a full-fledged iGaming project from scratch from the highly qualified Casino Market team.

Live casino

Capture the attention of a broad solvent audience with the help of live dealer games. Recreate the atmosphere of a real casino or poker club using innovative gambling software in your online establishment.

White Label casino

Start your online project with the reliable support of a parent company. The availability of a ready-made licence from a trusted jurisdiction will speed up the process of launching your virtual gaming business.

Bookmaker’s office

Open an exclusive sportsbook site with the best offers on the market: live broadcasts, eSports tournaments, and mobile betting are all included. A whole assortment of bookmaker’s products for a quick start and wide audience coverage is available.


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