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Casino Loyalty Program: Basic Rules of Development

Updated 06 january 2020
Online casino, Marketing, Management
Author: James Burton

Online gambling is a profitable business sector. It is logical that the number of casinos on the Internet is constantly growing. The operators of online gaming sites make a lot of efforts to attract and retain customers because their income directly depends on the number of players.

One of the most effective marketing tools is a well-thought-out online casino loyalty program. Experts of Casino Market offer you to figure out how bonuses affect the number of loyal customers and what needs to be done to make gamblers return to your website.

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Why do you Need a Casino Loyalty Program?

Online casino loyalty programs

Owners of gaming sites know that the increase of the customer outflow indicator is the most alarming signal. It means that players do not get what they want, remain unsatisfied, and go to the resources of competitors.

The task of operators is to motivate customers to return to their casinos and place bets. For this, an online casino loyalty program is developed, that is, a rewards system.

To make users place bets with pleasure, they need to be offered unique prizes — bonus points. They are charged for:

  • registration;
  • frequent visits;
  • duration of the game sessions;
  • each deposited dollar (there is also another option — a bonus for a certain amount of replenishment);
  • participation in special offers.

Depending on the number of the scored points, the status of players also changes. Growing of the rating is a psychological factor: users understand that they are important for the gambling establishment. Their sense of worth and additional rewards from the gambling club motivate players to place new bets.

The Structure of the Rewards System

Traditionally, the casino loyalty program is based on the classification of players according to their levels, which vary from 3 to 6.

There are the following categories:

  • VIP;
  • diamond;
  • platinum;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • bronze.

Clients move from one category to another after certain actions are completed (replenishment of a deposit or sending invitations to friends) or depending on the period during which they are registered in the system.

Benefits for Players

Benefits that gamblers get


Types of rewards

Basic (from bronze to silver)

The status of players in these categories is average. Users can daily receive free spins and invitations to participate in special offers (as a rule, there are not the most attractive prizes)

High (these are players of golden and diamond categories)

Such users are offered advanced capabilities, for example, participation in super-profitable promos with good prizes. Casinos often offer individual rewards


VIP customers can count on unique rewards. The casino loyalty program involves some “allowances” for VIP players (for example, a quick withdrawal of funds), the presence of a personal manager, and exclusive offers

Principles of the Development of an Attractive Program

Loyalty programs development

Players are happy to participate in loyalty programs of a gambling platform if they see benefits for themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of a rewards system. To make it attract the attention of users and motivate them to increase the size of bets, you should take into account several important nuances.

5 Rules of the Creation of a Rewards System

  1. Relevance. Make sure that your offers can interest the target audience. This will help you to analyse the loyalty programs of competitors.
  2. Simplicity. Users will not go through serious obstacles to increase the category. Make sure that they can easily go to the next level. Conditions for growth should be clear and uncomplicated.
  3. Uniqueness. Your casino should have both usual (free spins, bonuses) and non-standard offers. Think of a few exclusive rewards that cannot be found in other gambling establishments.
  4. Development. Even at the initial stage of the development of the system, it is necessary to consider how it can be improved in the future. To keep players interested in playing your casino games, you should offer new bonuses and rewards as often as possible.
  5. Promotion. Tell the interested users about the benefits of your program. Unobtrusive advertising is the key to the expansion of the target audience.

A high-quality loyalty system will help you not only to retain customers but also to attract new players.


It is important for operators not only to motivate visitors to register and play but also to create a base of regular users who bring the main income to the casino — VIP clients. For them, it is better to create a separate loyalty program.

We can name the following types of rewards for VIP users: support of a personal manager, individual invitations to participate in games and promos, and prizes from the administration.

If you are in doubt about what rewards your customers will be interested in, you will always be able to ask questions to the manager of Casino Market. We are ready to consult you and help you to create and promote a gambling establishment, as well as to select the software and provide round-the-clock technical support.

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