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Casino Management System: Features of a Gaming Site Operation

Updated 24 november 2019
Online casino, Management
Author: James Burton

Receiving a stable profit in online casinos is based not so much on the attraction of a new target audience as on the retention of active gamblers and effective work with regular customers. To achieve these goals, several marketing solutions are provided, and the most profitable and effective are CRM systems for online casinos.

The Role of CRM in Gambling

Management system of online casino

The use of gambling location management services will bring benefits not only to startup owners but also to end-users. This approach allows you to significantly increase the client-centricity of the website, find an individual approach to players, and make the time they spend on the website pleasant and comfortable.

The main aims of using the CRM for a casino are:

  • assistance in understanding the behavior of customers;
  • optimization of marketing strategies;
  • introduction of effective tools for the attraction and retention of users;
  • provision of a decent level of customer service;
  • successful cross-selling.

Characteristics of the High-quality Gambling Management Service

The casino management system can have many unique nuances, depending on the format of the gambling establishments and the requirements of operators. For example, products for land-based locations must include several services for video surveillance in gambling halls, while in the online sphere, it is worth laying the main emphasis on the provision of safe and transparent financial transactions.

Before making a final choice, it is necessary to make a list of the basic requirements for a software solution.

Basic parameters of an effective CRM for a casino


Brief description


The service should guarantee the security of financial transactions and the protection of personal data (encrypted data flows, the use of personal access keys, remote foreign servers, etc.)

Convenience and ease

The interface and navigation should facilitate the process of interaction with the main products and solutions of the system

Gaming functionality

The platform should provide support for the maximum number of games and related services.

The Casino Market team recommends complex services that can control information flows and analytics of traditional slots, card, and desktop emulators, live broadcasts, and mobile products


The level of loyalty of players and the increase in the website traffic depends on the number of supported banknotes and the security of the offered services


CRM systems for online casinos should provide access to an understandable and extensive analytical base and general reports on the customers of the casino and their actions

Work with requests

The perfect option is the availability of support services, customer feedback, and automatic recording of the requests that were left by users

Mandatory CRM Requirements for Gambling Projects

Requirements for a casino CRM

Internal services and CRM functionality for casinos are constantly being improved and updated but sometimes operators do not use even a small part of the available options.

The most popular program components:

  1. The accounting module. The software saves a history of all the transactions conducted between the gaming site and the client.
  2. Automation systems. Software components aim to perform not only specific tasks but also automatic actions (for example, the mailout of notifications, the correction of information on some objects, as well as the reminders and notifications of important dates).
  3. Sales control. The casino management system should offer operators an informative purchase funnel that allows you to determine the stage of a particular transaction.
  4. Accounting and analytics. The information flow should go in a real-time mode. Formats of the data transfer are graphs, diagrams, and tables with detailed summaries and explanations.
  5. Communication. The program is combined with e-mail, website, and telephony for the timely automatic recording of the incoming applications.
  6. Human resource management. The monitoring service that helps to control the tasks assigned to employees allows you to optimize the “inner workings” and make the process of management of the location as efficient and cost-effective as possible.
  7. Integration services. The interface for performing API functions should fulfill several tasks: from the connection of 1C accounting systems to the integration of corporate systems and mobile applications.

What Tasks Does the Casino Management System Cope With?

The main goal of CRM is to optimize the gambling business, automate the internal processes of the gaming site as much as possible, and develop the most profitable format of relations with the end-user

Software components are most often used in two ways — the collection of information and assistance in organizing global business processes.

What data is recorded by the online casino management system:

  • frequency of visits to the gaming site;
  • what kind of games do clients prefer;
  • the duration of the average game session;
  • size and frequency of financial transactions;
  • parameters of average figures of bet, losses, and winnings in the casino;
  • favorite types of bets of gamblers;
  • periods of maximum activity on the website;
  • discovering the most attractive and effective bonus systems.

The collected information is used for the adaption of the gambling platform to the needs and preferences of players, the creation of individual offers, and the prediction of the possible behavior of customers.

Large-scale business operations with the use of CRM systems:

  • storage of the contact data and personal information of customers;
  • tracking of new visitors;
  • assistance in increasing sales;
  • creation of an effective system for managing internal tasks;
  • data analysis and identification of customers with good potential;
  • assistance in organizing processes of interaction with the end-user;
  • productivity improvement.

The List of Relevant Online Objects Management Systems

List of popular casino management systems

Given the specifics of gaming sites, we recommend you to choose specialized services, the aim of which is to simplify business processes in the gambling sector.

Operators might be interested in the following products:

  • Salesforce Sales Cloud. A convenient and compact system that combines the following options and features: contact base, sales forecast, generation of leads, integration with the pages in social networks, and interaction with mobile platforms.
  • Zoho CRM. An interesting option for small business owners: for companies with no more than 10 employees, the program is provided for free.
  • MS Dynamics CRM. A huge integrated system that provides full control over the sales department and deals with conducting marketing programs and the provision of customer support services.
  • AmoCRM. The system is “rigged” in favor of the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. This is an interesting product that combines basic entrepreneurial options.
  • Terrasoft BPMonline. The solution is often chosen by the representatives of the medium and large business, the main focus of which is an investment in IT technology.
  • Bitrix24. Corporate Internet resource with a limited set of CRM functions. The main focus of the program is internal communications between staff and the creation of documents.

Conclusion: the Best Casino Management System From Casino Market

CRM systems are a mandatory component for the internal business processes management of the gambling platform. All software options aim to optimize gambling operations and maximize the lifetime customer value indicator.

The profitability of your business depends on the functionality and reliability of the selected product. Our advice is to purchase systems from trusted suppliers who have managed to earn the trust and respect of partners.

The catalog of Casino Market contains the best solutions for gambling startups of any format. The product range includes payment systems, programs for the creation of an affiliate network, the game content, software for land-based locations, and solutions for mobile, social, and bitcoin casinos.

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