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Casino Traffic: Promotion Advice from Casino Market Experts

Updated 05 march 2020
Online casino, Marketing, Management
Author: James Burton

A successful implementation of online gambling projects directly depends on the increase in customers. Entrepreneurs are interested in constantly pouring traffic to the casino and seeing the conversion’s growth. This guarantees them a stable income.

Online casino traffic: promotion advice from experts

Employees of the Casino Market company propose you to get more detailed information on the casino traffic arbitrage and benefits that you can get by choosing the right affiliate campaign. From us, it is also possible to order a comprehensive marketing program, which will help you to fatten the profits of your startup.

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Casino Traffic Arbitrage: Advantages and Difficulties

Redirection of users to gambling resources is very profitable for webmasters but they have to face serious problems in this business area.

Pros of Casino Arbitration

Let us consider the benefits of the above-mentioned process:

Benefits for an arbitrator

Brief description

Profitable industry

The popularity of gambling entertainment has not decreased for centuries, and no legal restrictions prevent players from placing bets. That is why those webmasters who pour traffic to casinos earn good money

High rates for the desired actions

A partner can receive 7–10 thousand rubles for the casino traffic arbitration without making any special efforts

Wide range of offerings

Depending on the conditions of a program, you can receive commissions for the registration, replenishment of funds, and losses of attracted users. There are also hybrid cases, thanks to which arbitrators earn money on the packages of desired actions of visitors who merge themselves into the gameplay

Understandable target audience

The main thing that gamblers want is money and adrenaline. Their reasons are simple and clear, which means that pouring traffic to the casino is an easy thing to do since there are no problems with finding creatives (original promotional materials) to attract users

Although casino arbitration is a good business, it also has several disadvantages. Not every partner manages to cope with the difficulties that he faces.

Difficulties for the Webmaster

Casino traffic arbitrage can be hard for several reasons:

  1. Prohibition of direct advertising of games for money. Even in those countries where entertainment of this type is considered legal, various limitations must be taken into account when developing marketing campaigns. As for the countries where gambling is strictly prohibited, webmasters have even more difficulties.
  2. Expensive target audience. It is not cheap to make customers interested, however, profitable casino traffic arbitrage compensates for the expenditures.
  3. Stiff requirements of business owners. Users who come to the gaming site must bring income to it. The casino traffic must meet quality control standards. If it does not meet the specified KPI, advertisers will not pay for it.

Arbitrators have to independently find ways to attract the “right” users in the face of prohibitions and restrictions, and this requires a certain amount of professionalism.

Characteristics of the Target Punters

Casino target audience: characteristics

In order to effectively drive traffic, an arbitrator must understand very well who the desired audience is and take into account the psychological characteristics of users.

First and foremost: operators do not need to focus on people who are looking for ways to make funds on the Internet. As a rule, such casino visitors do not place bets on gaming sites since they are just trying to find a way to survive. It is worth attracting users who are interested in games for money and have available funds.

According to statistics, men over the age of 25 with an above-average income place big bets most often (younger people play more actively but are ready to spend much less money). The sphere of interest of such clients is expensive cars and luxury goods.

As for the territory, it is better to focus on the post-Soviet countries: Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Residents of Kazakhstan and Armenia can also be profitable customers. In the rest of the CIS countries, targeting usually does not pay off, so it is not wise to waste time and budget on casino traffic from these countries.

Suitable Creatives

In this field, catchy headlines and stories about such a “plum” as big earnings and huge jackpots are still relevant. In this case, there is no need to “reinvent the wheel”.

The following elements can have a negative impact on pouring traffic:

  • promises of instant enrichment;
  • indication of the exact size of the minimum deposit;
  • the additional motivation that the gaming site cannot provide.

It is always better to advertise special offers that can be found on the platform.

Sources of High-Quality Traffic

A good result can be obtained thanks to such tools as:

  • Websites for people. It will be necessary to invest in the creation of these portals but they will bring high-quality casino traffic that meets all KPI indicators.
  • Doorways. Such websites are generated automatically. They do not “live” long due to the frequent blocking of search engines but they are quite capable of attracting visitors to the entertainment platform.
  • Contextual promotion. This is a reliable source of traffic, although affiliates sometimes have to use cloaking (the replacement of pages that have been advertised) during moderation.
  • Popularisation in social networks. Cloaking is also required here but it is possible to attract good traffic from popular platforms (Instagram, Telegram, etc.) if you will redirect punters from your page or channel to the gaming site.
  • Teaser networks. To gain profit, an arbitrage specialist will have to spend a lot of time and effort but the result is worth it. A good solution is to closely cooperate with the manager of the selected teaser network.
  • YouTube and Twitch. Attractive videos and streams of online slots are placed on video hosting sites. There are many nuances of work but it is worth understanding them because the profits from such casino arbitration can be high.

Collaboration Based on an Affiliate Program

Affiliate programs for online casinos

There are many partner programs, and the webmaster will need to choose an offer that will be convenient for working in your format. The universal model is CPA, which involves the payment of commissions when users perform certain actions on the website. As a rule, this is a fixed amount, so the income is predictable, and the risks are minimal.

Entrepreneurs often offer to charge a percentage of the deposit (this is convenient for them since they pay for the flow of real money to gaming sites). RevShare deductions are also beneficial for casino owners because they depend on the revenue. The decision to work under these schemes implies a high level of interest of the affiliate in attracting solvent customers.

The Main Things about Gaming Business Promotion among Customers

Not only the owners of sites are interested in high-quality casino traffic but also partners who plan to redirect users to gambling platforms. There are time-tested programs that make it possible to establish mutually beneficial cooperation between operators and affiliates. We are ready to help you to choose the right scheme.

For all questions, please contact Casino Market managers. They will give a consultation to you and provide recommendations on the most effective advertising tools.

From us, you can order the development of a turnkey platform, buy software for a website of any format, and get marketing, legal, and technical support.

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