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EveryMatrix Connects to Matchbook — a Top-Tier British Operator

28 september 2023
Author: James Burton

EveryMatrix presents its casino and sports betting components, as well as financial and marketing elements, to service providers around the world.

EveryMatrix and Matchbook: the fruitful cooperation

Close cooperation with a leader of the iGaming sector in the UK, Matchbook, is anticipated to be highly lucrative for both sides.

Benefits from Cooperation

Matchbook is a gaming tycoon in the UK, and its aspiration to improve through EveryMatrix’s high-tech solutions will attract even more clients.

The platforms engaged included in the agreement are:

  • CasinoEngine. An installation and effectiveness development solution is aimed at boosting the operator’s performance.
  • BonusEngine. A dedicated punter attraction system is used to raise retention rates and reactivate more players.

The performance-based instruments have been tested by various EveryMatrix’s partnering companies and have shown their efficiency in different markets worldwide.

Comments from the Executives

The Matchbook’s chief executive officer, Malcolm Graham, points out this partnership as highly valuable. He specified the importance of benefiting from EveryMatrix’s instruments to bring clients all the necessary possibilities and emotions while gambling online.

Mr Graham mentioned their content is already widely appreciated, and with the improvements from the acclaimed provider, the gaming opportunities will reach the most incredible heights of personalisation and punters' engagement.

The EveryMatrix’s executive, Stian Enger Pettersen, expressed his enthusiasm too. He mentioned that:

  1. An impactful image of Matchbook in the UK will expand the influence of the provider’s content further.
  2. Innovations and updated products will provide long-term benefits for both participants.
  3. The Matchbook’s leadership in the sector played a crucial role in the quickness of agreement conclusion and the addition of engine systems.

The EveryMatrix’s Financial Success

The exponential company’s development and its influence are clearly visible through the recent performance report, showing an 82% revenue increase in comparison to the previous year ($ 29 million). Q2 2023 was the 7th period in a row that certified the company’s steady improvement.

Casino Market closely partners with astounding content developers and offers a wide range of top-notch software. Get in touch with our experts and inquire about the best products and services for your gambling business.

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