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ICE London Creates a New Program

19 january 2022
Author: James Burton

The group that is in charge of organising the ICE London conference, Clarion Gaming, has made an announcement.

ICE London creates a new program: Hosted Meetings

The event-planning business has stated that a large multi-thousand investment was made to establish a brand new program. It is set to match some of the high-status customers from all around the world with their clients. The latter could potentially be interested in exhibits presented by gambling businesses at the event.

What is the Hosted Meetings Program?

Hosted Meetings is a special program organised by an experienced event-planning group, Newbridge Events. This company has worked with multiple brands to arrange various meetings and conferences. The new initiative takes place with the purpose of maximising return on investment.

The representative of Clarion Gaming commented on this program, saying that it is primarily created to assist the exhibition participants in making the most out of their attendance and gaining well-deserved revenue. In the long-term scenario, it is beneficial for ICE London as well, since companies would be more likely to attend it again next year.

The initiative works by brands giving their input on what kinds of clients they would like to attract to the product. After that, the Newbridge Events team finds and identifies possible buyers, and makes a connection between them and the business. This is usually done by planning meetings between the provider and the buyer.

Other News

It is confirmed that ICE London will include the VIP Lounge where buyers and suppliers can communicate in an informal setting. Additionally, it is known that there will be over 70 customers from various countries. In the words of Clarion Gaming’s representative Stuart Hunter, it is an honour for them to collaborate with the Newbridge professionals and salvage the industry after times of crisis.

Newbridge has also provided their input on the cooperation, saying that being involved in this massive project is a huge responsibility for them. In their words, ICE is one of the leading exhibitions that presents the most incredible talents of the gambling world, and it is a large privilege to participate in its organisation.

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