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Online Gambling Establishment VS Real-Life Casino: What Awaits Them Ahead

Updated 07 june 2021
Online casino, Land-based solutions, Management
Author: James Burton

The gambling industry has two major directions — online and real-life. Both have their advantages and vivid distinctions. At the same time, the popularity of internet gambling seems to prevail over its counterpart. Does it mean ground casinos are going to extinct? Will the brick-and-mortar gambling industry recover and manage to keep up with the growth of the internet sphere?

Casino Market has been operating in the sector for more than 10 years. Modern digitalisation brought an inevitable rise in online gambling. Moreover, with the recent outbreak of Coronavirus, additional favourable conditions were created for the development of the online sphere.

Ground and online casinos: conditions

The experts at Casino Market decided to answer all competition-related questions and foresee the potential of the gambling sector in the nearest years. Meanwhile, you can review and order our turnkey business solutions for both ground and online spheres.

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Influence of Industry Changes on Casinos

By the year 2015, the ground casino industry was confidently leading in the global gaming revenue with a constant increase in numbers. But afterwards, its GGR began dropping and giving way to the iGaming sector. The overall decrease in revenue hit 12% by the end of 2015.

Even with this decline, the total difference in GGR by that year was massive:

Real casinos

Internet casinos

$143 billion

$9.6 billion

The Center for Gaming Research at the University of Nevada claims that by the beginning of 2021, the ground sector is still the biggest profitable branch of the industry. Annual drops in revenue were not significant until the end of 2019. With the beginning of global pandemic and subsequent restrictions, online casinos skyrocketed in demand since real gambling establishments were either closed or severely restricted.

By the beginning of 2021, the measures for both sectors increased, but iGaming still lacking the major impact on the industry:

Real casinos

Internet casinos

$463 billion

$49.6 billion

Casino Market experts constantly monitor the changes in both directions. The slightest shifts in stability cause us to adapt the working flow to ensure our projects are profitable. Order the finest turnkey business solutions at Casino Market as we offer both brick-and-mortar and online services of the highest quality.

Main Levers of Impact for Ground and Internet Establishments

With a global development of technologies and Coronavirus influence, the iGaming sector is soon going to hit 20% of total GGR of brick-and-mortar casinos. But it is still far from the efficiency of the ground sphere. What is the reason for that? The answer is the demand for entertainment. While online casinos heavily depend on the development of modern technologies, ground establishments rely on their long-standing audience.

Internet gambling becomes faster and more adapted to the younger generation of players while real casinos focus more on the mature public. Usually, gambling halls have a lot of contributing clients that prefer the atmosphere, attitude, and prestige of the establishment. And statistics say that the number of such people is only increasing in the last few years. The profit of gambling rooms in Asia went from $8.9 billion to $64 billion in just 12 years.

The main source of income for online casinos is the quantity. People who make deposits in internet gambling establishments do not have millions to boast. Usually, they want to try their luck and just unwind after long working days.

The distinctions of bets on the internet and real casinos:


Internet casinos

Real casinos

Minimum roulette bet



Average slot spin



No, ground gambling establishments are not outdated. They do not run out of trends. Real casinos are just intended for a completely different audience that tends to have more money and special playing aims.

Meanwhile, the online environment bears not so many risks. The mass audience finds it more convenient and can evoke the same emotions as real casinos. The flow of players is much higher for internet platforms, so investors are extremely interested in this direction.

Casino Market offers its elaborated turnkey casino solutions for everyone who has intentions of joining the sphere. Order our services and build a recognised brand in the international iGaming market.

Post-Pandemic Forecasts

The ground and iGaming sectors may seem to have a similar product to offer. At the same time, their development paths are completely different and require a particular analytical approach for a clear understanding:

  • Asia and the US will remain the main GGR markets after the global lockdown is over. Macau region in specific plans to recover by the end of 2022 by the preliminary forecasts. Even though the majority of casinos are closed in the US right now, the owners of gambling establishments can not wait to restore full access of players to their favourite activities.
  • The online gambling industry is experiencing the biggest boom in history during the lockdown. Logically, operators expect the revenue to drop after ground establishments resume their activity. But the influx in players has been so high recently that even a forecast decline is not going to damage internet casinos.

So, the estimated result for these directions seems positive. Both segments are going to recover after a 2-year shift in normal operational flow. Casino Market analyses the regularly-updating data to ensure its clients are ready for upcoming changes. Order our turnkey business solutions to get the reliable setup of your project.

Gambling Audience

Gambling audience of online and offline casinos

Similarly to the development path, the types of players are also different in online and real casinos. If an operator wants to advertise the project correctly, he must know what motives each group to visit the establishment.

  1. Brick-and-mortar audience. People who visit real casinos usually do it to underline their profits. Moreover, they are attracted not only by the entertainment inside the establishment. The atmosphere of gambling, presented meals and beverages, interaction with other players and staff are the main incentives that hold casino audiences in the hall. Additional statistics say that 42% of visitors are female while 58% are male, and more than a third of all clients are aged from 50 to 66.
  2. Online audience. The main difference between these players with ground casino visitors is social status. While a low-budget person is not capable of entering a gambling hall, gaming websites are open for people of different levels of income. The online casino audience is mainly made of punters aged 18–40 (64%), with more or less equal separation on genders (46% women and 54% men). Instead of free drinks and food, online casino visitors receive in-game credits, spin bonuses, and loyalty perks.

The only similar category of players that occur in both types of establishments are clients who gamble to earn a living. Those can be professionals, taking part in tournaments and visitors who play no-risk games and engage only in high RTP entertainment.

Casino Market has an experienced department that works with the audience. We analyse each region and direct operators into the right promotion of their establishments. Order our marketing solutions to ensure a stable flow of the right traffic to your casinos.

Conversion From the Ground Sphere to Online

The period of stall can be damaging for a lot of owners of ground establishments. That is why it is worth thinking about opening an online affiliation of the brick-and-mortar company.

The most important aspects to consider are:

  • the legality of the online gambling portal;
  • reliable software support from assured providers;
  • the development of the fully-functional website;
  • advertising and popularisation of the developed project.


Online gambling portals can not function legally without a proper operational permit. Even if a ground establishment corresponds to all regulations of the operational area, it is essential to consider a completely new licence for an internet casino.


A new online casino needs an assortment of entertainment content. The variety of software providers allows making a well-thought-out choice. Also, besides most popular games, an operator should think about a few unique products that will be a signature of the establishment.

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Apart from that, administrative systems for player-monitoring and analytical purposes will be a beneficial addition to the online casino.

Website Design

The development of the casino site should consider the latest technological achievements in the industry for convenient entertainment of players. Keep in mind that minimalistic design is in trend right now, so no overwhelming details are recommended. The image of the site should correspond to up-to-date trends to attract the desired traffic.


The popularity of the online establishment depends on the number of regular visitors. So, various advertising methods should be utilised to ensure a stable influx of new clients. SEO, SMM, and affiliate marketing are the top three promotional directions to pay attention to. With the right combination of these methods, the online casino will have enough new visitors to sustain a lucrative operation.

The Main Things about Ground and Online Casinos

Turnkey online and ground casinos

The interrelation of real and internet gambling establishments is obvious. But both segments bear significant distinctions that cause the differences in development. While ground facilities mainly depend on the realities and events of the modern world, online casinos are all about technological development.

The experts at Casino Market want to pay particular attention to the key notions:

  • A decrease in the revenue for the ground gambling sphere due to the lockdown situation means a boost for online casinos.
  • Different levers of impact for ground and internet casinos are applied to the distinct types of players.
  • The upcoming recovery for both segments is inevitable at the end of the pandemic situation.
  • Differences and similarities of the gambling audience for online and real casinos influence their appeal.
  • The necessity to switch to an online environment for some gambling establishments is motivated by a rapid decrease in revenue.

The Casino Market aggregator wants to ensure that your transition from ground sector to the internet niche withstands any difficulties. So, we offer to do it with our convenient turnkey casino solutions.

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  • Skype: support.casinosupermarket
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