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The Development of an Online Casino: What is a Perfect Gaming Site

Updated 18 december 2019
Online casino
Author: James Burton

The development of an online casino requires a lot of effort, investment, and knowledge in various fields. And if an entrepreneur will have to cope with the first and second items on his own, then for knowledge, it will be better to contact dedicated experts. Also, a future operator should already have a detailed SOW for a casino. The correct writing of each item is the key to the success of the enterprise.

To simplify the task, the Casino Market team has collected useful tips on how to prepare a SOW for online casinos, expressing your wishes and preferences correctly.

Features of Writing the Statement of Work for a Casino

Online casino development task: main features

Online casino development begins with thinking through the visual design of the site. The future platform will become the face of your brand, corresponding to the chosen style.

A correct task for the development of an online casino should describe the following parameters of the project:

  • structure of the page;
  • graphical display of the gambling location (colour components, combinations of various shades and tones, effects for the creation of the illusion of volume, and much more);
  • fonts (the style and sizes of headings, the body text, and notifications);
  • shape, colour, and features of the location of the company logo;
  • the shape of the buttons and other navigational elements, etc.

A great way to clearly explain to specialists your vision of the project is to include some visual materials in the SOW for an online casino. These can be screenshots from other gaming sites, videos, roadmaps, and any other elements that can accurately and easily describe your idea of a ready-made gambling platform.

Components of a Gaming Site: Heading

The heading is the top part of an online gaming site that immediately attracts the attention of each visitor to your casino. To develop an online casino within the shortest possible time and without the reasons for being nervous, it is necessary to describe each element that the heading will consist of in the work plan.

For example, you may consider the following set of components:

  • logo (by clicking on the picture, users will open the main page of the service);
  • registration form (bars for the login and password);
  • such buttons as “Enter your personal account” and “Remind a password”;
  • button for switching languages (we would like to remind you that this button does not work without previously prepared texts in those languages that will be used in the system).

The next paragraph of the SOW for a casino is the sections of the website heading that simplify the navigation and links to the pages of interest. As the most commonly used options, we can name the following selection:

  1. Games (it opens a page with slots and other game content, including access to free demo versions).
  2. “About the company”, “About us” or “About the casino” (general information on the platforms that provides services for money).
  3. Cash desk (a page with the data of payment systems and fields for entering personal information for being able to deposit or withdraw funds).
  4. Winners (a list of the last 10―20 winners with their usernames or the sums of prizes can be opened here).
  5. Bonuses (this page will describe available special offers, news, and loyalty programs of the gambling club).
  6. License (data that confirms the legality of the gaming site, numbers of the license, and certificates of the used software).
  7. Contacts (elements of the telephony, a list of instant messengers, a chat, and other forms of feedback in the “client―manager” casino chain).

An excellent move would be to “decorate” the heading with information on the size of the current jackpot. This solution will provide good traffic and automatically increase the level of motivation of the audience to participate in gaming sessions.

The Main Part of a Casino Web-Portal

Online casino development and the visual design

The central sector of the resource should be filled with useful content:

  • games;
  • videos;
  • advertising (texts and banners), etc.

The originality of the project and its popularity in the eyes of users depends on the visual design. Each component should complement the rest and make up a coherent picture, look appropriate and harmonious.

Our advice: use the “Rule of 5 seconds”. Various surveys and studies have shown that the owner of online service has only five seconds to demonstrate to the visitor all the advantages and unique solutions that he offers. A potential customer should instantly focus on those components that distinguish your casino against the background of hundreds of analogues and offers of competitors.

As for the design of the website, it is worth giving preference to the design in the same style without different fonts and too colourful advertisements that occupy the whole page. The same thing goes for the colour gamma and animation elements.

Another important factor is the download speed. The page should be fully loaded within 3 seconds. If visual materials "slow down", there will be a high risk of losing a potential gambler.

User Account

The SOW for the development of an online casino should take into account not only the visual component but also the ease of navigation for visitors. The user account is a “safe place” where clients should feel as comfortable as possible. There should be a minimum of advertising and graphics.

Possible sections for the user account are:

  • the profile;
  • the account (with separate windows or fields for making deposits, withdrawing funds, and checking the history of completed money transactions);
  • bonuses (standard and special offers of the gambling establishment);
  • the level or status of the gambler;
  • the store (a section for buying extra playing time, exchanging internal bonuses for various company products or real money, acquiring various gaming “artefacts”, etc.);
  • the button that allows players to log off.


The last block of the Internet resource is intended for the publication of useful data that do not belong to the category of the utmost importance.

A generic list of sections for the footer
Brief description
User agreement
A set of recommendations and the rules of conduct for visitors to the website, parameters for the regulation of the actions of gamblers, conditions for money transactions, and so on
Responsible gambling
Recommendations that will help to prevent gambling addiction
Information security
Privacy policy, personal data protection settings, information on the reasons for blocking the game account, etc
News or a blog
Up-to-date statistical reports, reviews of the latest releases, information on trends and changes in the gambling industry, a detailed description of special offers, etc
For partners
Conditions and a list of advantages of the participation in the program, useful information for potential partners
Answers to frequently asked questions

It is also worth adding clickable logos of the available payment services and buttons for the identification of users through social networking pages. A block of widgets with links to Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social networks will improve the image of the gaming site.


The development of an online casino with Casino Market

It is necessary to create the SOW for a casino assiduously and with the attention to the smallest details. A detailed list of requests will simplify cooperation with contractors, and it is also a key to the correct and quick carrying-out of all the requirements.

The development and sale of an online casino on the basis of an individual project are one of the strengths of the Casino Market team. We have the most creative solutions and new products for startups of any format.

Cooperation with our company is the key to success and a good profit. From us, you can always buy a ready-made casino website, order an individual product or rent the software from the world’s leading suppliers.

With Casino Market, your business will enter the international arena in record time. Assure yourself of the rationality of the made decision right now.

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  • by e-mail:
  • on Skype: support.casinosupermarket
  • via the feedback form.
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