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Greentube has Purchased ⅘ of Ineor, Gearing Up for the Next Year

09 february 2023
Author: James Burton

Greentube, widely known for its propensity for acquisitions of new companies, has once again made its move. In particular, Greentube has decided to purchase 80 percent of Ineor.

Greentube Acquisitions of Ineor

The Position of Greentube's Top Management

According to Greentube's representatives, the decision to buy such a large part of Ineor came after the events of 2022, which saw its community engaged on various fronts. While the year was strategically important, the company came to the decision to strengthen itself by purchasing ⅘ of the Slovenia-based software developer.

Greentube's spokesperson added that this is an important objective that should be considered. It will offer the corporation new solutions and possibilities for developing programs designated for the iGaming sector.

For this reason, the Ljubljana-based establishment will become a new resource in Greentube's extensive workforce. One of those will be used to develop new games that could appear on the gambling market as early as 2023. In addition, Greentube could expand its digital service offerings with new solutions provided by the experts from Ineor.

Words of Ineor Founder

Mr. Spasovski, the founder of the Slovenian company, gave his thoughts on the matter:

We have been operating for over 10 years, providing innovative solutions for companies like Greentube.

In doing so, we have built a partnership with them that has proven particularly successful, so much so that it has become a reference model for many other companies operating in the sector. Our workers are thrilled to join the big Greentube family, and we hope the future will bring us more success.

We will continue to put ourselves to the test, both technically and practically, trying to reach the highest positions in our sector. Furthermore, we all maintain our working philosophy of trying to produce software with 0 bugs.

During 2023, our company will attempt to nurture the offerings of one of the most famous corporations in the iGaming field to provide all interested parties with unique solutions.

Other Greentube’s Acquisitions

As already mentioned, this is the latest acquisition by Greentube, which has previously acquired 100 percent of a US online company and more than half of Alteatec.

As if all this were not enough to expand Greentube's offering, the agency also decided to enter into partnerships with other companies. Notable among these is a collaboration with a Flamingocatz, a company based in the USA and Canada.

What said Greentube’s CFO

The CFO of Greentube also commented on this:

The deal we have completed is exclusive, as it helps us to improve our company further and to face the coming year better, which will undoubtedly be full of various joys and difficulties.

We are delighted that the professionals at Ineor will help us in the future just as they have done in the past, and it will be an adventure that we will undertake together. Also, thanks to projects like Mynt, we will accelerate our growth and evolution in 2023 worldwide.

Greentube has a lot to offer the online iGaming industry.

If you want to know about this corporation’s best games, how to use them, and their unique features, remember to contact Casino Market. Our professionals will give you all the most critical data on the different programs produced by Greentube.

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