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The Fox Brothers Present CEC University: Future, Metaverses, Guests

29 june 2022
Author: James Burton

The organisers of the Casino Esport Conference Ari and Ben Fox announced that at the upcoming event visitors will be able to see the establishment of CEC University, which will have lectures about eSports and video games.

The Fox brothers present CEC University

The brothers invite businesses to join the educational event, where they can gain knowledge about:

What about Tomorrow?

Ari Fox notes that despite the industry’s excellent profits today, everyone has a responsibility to look to the future. He claims that few people remember the suffering and forced saving decisions of land-based casinos in Las Vegas or Macau. Each person talks only about proceeds in the last couple of months after the pandemic.

Ben Fox clarifies that their event aims to expand the horizons of iGaming, as the new generation is not standing in one place. According to him, this audience craves entertainment, and at the moment they get it through TikTok, which has no benefit for players. He said that the currently available tools, including eSports, should be used to engage those people.

Solutions must be designed and targeted for future generations. Young users need the latest technologies for entertainment. Thus, one of the leading solutions for iGaming is the meta-universe.

Some other niches will be in demand for a very long time:

  • video games;
  • cryptography;
  • NFT, etc.

There is a concern that more fraud will occur with the wider implementation of new technologies. The organisers are sure that this vertical is more regulated and controlled than all that include the human factor.

Meta-Realities and Money

Cryptocurrency in the gambling business

According to Ari Fox, casinos have been using something like a digital currency for a quite long period. For example, poker chips could be seen as money alternatives. They are the property of operators and can be used at their venues. The situation with crypto is all the same.

A virtual coin may be equated with a dollar. Users can manage this money, endorsed by the SEC, on a decentralised exchange. Fluctuations in value may stimulate people’s earnings. Thus, a person receives $ 5 per unit, for example. Casinos can extract cryptocurrency, thereby creating various opportunities.

According to Ben Fox, «techtainment» could be seen as a generator of many alternative ways to make giant revenues. He says that cyber real estate is the analogue of land-based facilities, and there is the capability of selling these virtual means.

Event Format

The main objective of founders is not simply to transfer information but to enable participants to apply innovative tools.

The class format is ideal to close people’s doubts and uncertainties, as it allows participants to ask questions in person and get satisfactory answers.

Top Speakers

One of the main projects of the educational program is UNLV Black Fire Innovation. Ari Fox says they want to not just bring it to the event’s content, but also go beyond. Lessons may start with how to integrate NFT and cryptocurrency into the casino and hotel business.

The university also plans to introduce people from Decentral Games who know advanced technology.

Through speakers, there might be specialists from global corporations such as:

  • Microsoft;
  • Google;
  • Amazon, etc.

Some lectures will be given by people who are already involved in providing platforms for new realities. They know how it works and ways to earn money from it.

Ari Fox also discusses the development of a mining farm and the establishment of support facilities for it. He speculates that perhaps their university would have experts who could help create mining spaces because there are plenty of opportunities in this direction.

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