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Competent Affiliate Promotion for a Gambling Website from Casino Market Experts

Updated 18 october 2022
Online casino, Marketing
Author: James Burton

Gambling experts call affiliate marketing one of the most effective ways to promote online casinos. These days, it continues expanding the list of decent ways to attract traffic. Considering that partners are usually the owners of independent portals, there is no need to keep in mind the legality issue most of the time.

Affiliate promotion for gambling websites

However, there are still a few essential notions to perceive before plunging into the world of affiliate promotion. Experts from Casino Market age going to help you discover this world and describe how to utilise this type of advertising effectively. Besides, you can always order our convenient turnkey business solutions that include the elaboration of a high-quality advertising system.

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Platforms for Affiliate Cooperation

During the Coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent economic crisis, affiliate marketing has become one of the most effective ways to promote online casinos and help grow the industry. Now, operators delegate the process of acquiring players to affiliates who take care of keeping and entertaining the audience. Effective marketing tools and up-to-date creative ideas help to expand the casino influence in the target region.

For example, let us introduce free platforms in Japan where streamers can mention links in the description. There are also tracking and promotional codes for the same streamers among other tools. They are usually placed everywhere — on clothes, banners, chatbots, etc. They allow customers to follow to the platform immediately via the backlink, simply by entering a code word on the online casino website.

Besides, affiliates can independently attract punters by creating channels and sites. It helps receive organic traffic from Google, Yahoo, and other search engines to boost the promotion.

It is possible to divide all platforms into two large groups:

  • Platforms that are used for broadcasting streams or videos (YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, etc.).
  • Platforms that are used to collect organic traffic — a loyal and large community of players. From this audience, streamers also have the ability to convert customers to online casinos.

The choice of platform depends on the content strategy, goals of the streamers and their partners. For example, Twitter is a quite old network. But it received new life thanks to the streamers who inform their audience about various news.

Messengers and chats also appear to be extremely demanded when it comes to mentioning vital information. For example, streamers from Eastern Europe use Telegram. Players join various groups and receive notifications about events and streams.

Thus, promotion comes down not only to attracting organic traffic from popular platforms but also to creating a community of partners.

Obligatory Affiliate Instruments

Affiliate networks are advantageous in offering their clients as many effective options as possible. It reduces the time necessary for a portal owner to develop desired strategies and enhances the eventual result.

Here are the most relevant and basic instruments that an average affiliate program must offer casino operators:

  1. General analytics. It embraces essential information on the effectiveness of a particular strategy. Usually, it is data on the number of clicks, unique visitors, total wagering amount, and so on. The existing filters simplify the operational process with geographical, time-based, tariffs, categories.
  2. User analytics. The casino owner gets detailed information about active punters with the possibility to review each individually. The relevant data here includes players’ origin, streams, activity timetable, deposits and withdrawals, and the resulted revenue from a particular punter.
  3. Cohort statistics. These data indicate the traffic during a certain period or after the first deposit. The core aspect of the examination is the size of wagering amounts as well as its intervals. An operator needs to have the ability to filter the received information by mobile traffic separately.
  4. Auxiliary records. Here, operators include statistics on referrals, promotional analyses, data on winning players, and everyday performance.

Casino Market experts understand the value of information. So, we provide essential software for gathering data. Order the most efficient analytical solutions from Casino Market to boost your affiliate programs.

Common Affiliate Remunerations

Affiliate remunerations: types of cooperation

Online gambling operators work with affiliates on particular remuneration conditions. Among the most widely used methods are CPA, revenue share, revenue share plus, and hybrid. Casino Market discusses each type of cooperation and overviews the most impactful conditions:

Cost per acquisition

The remuneration is paid for the first deposit of each attracted player.

KPI measures play a huge role in this method since a steady and smooth flow of players benefits both sides of this affiliate agreement

Revenue share

Here, operators provide a part of players’ lost funds to affiliates for attracting that punter.

Usually, the rate is flexible and can start from 40 to 70%

Revenue share plus

Operators with an increased flow of players use this method that guarantees insurance from unpredictable traffic losses.

At the same time, the part of the profit is usually higher, considering agreed conditions


The combination of revenue share and CPA methods works ideally for thematic websites that are related to the gambling activity.

Those are usually influential reviewers of bets or new casino games

Efficiency-Boosting Techniques

Income optimisation in gambling comes down to constant testing, analysis of results and establishing communication with managers of affiliate programs. Casino Market keeps up with the latest changes in affiliate promotion and delivers the freshest enhancing methods to you.

Now, our experts can point out the four most effective ways to optimise income from affiliate programs:

  • Measure EPC. Operators need to check not the overall earnings before interest and taxes, but Earning per Click for each of their traffic sources.
  • Test existing affiliate programs. Give 50% of your traffic to a partner who converts the best, 30% to the second, 10% to the third, etc. It seems that operators will earn less, but in fact, such flexibility will allow not to depend on a single affiliate.
  • Believe the metrics. It is necessary to revise all indicators to see which one is sagging, find bugs, and take timely action to eliminate them
  • Establish an understanding with partners. During communication with partners, a good manager protects the rights of an affiliate. At the same time, interaction with colleagues should support the profit of the online casino. This hint helps receive good working conditions and find out useful information first.

Casino Market is always ready to provide a high-quality rundown on income optimisation theory. Our experts have refined dozens of online gambling establishments and boosted their profit. Order the finest affiliate solutions from Casino Market and turn your gaming portal into a lucrative environment.

The Main Things about Promoting with Affiliates

Advertising campaign: where to order

The popularity of the gambling establishment depends entirely on the efficiency of an advertising campaign. Experienced operators always devote a significant part of the promotional budget to affiliate marketing. It has proven to be an effective way to popularise online casinos regardless of the operational area.

Casino Market experts will provide you with detailed information on:

  • the most effective platforms where operators can conclude the most profitable agreements with affiliates;
  • traditional instruments for working with affiliate programs such as general and user analytics, cohort statistics, and various auxiliary records;
  • widely used remuneration tariffs that operators offer their partners, depending on the working conditions (CPA, revenue share, hybrid);
  • efficiency-boosting techniques that increase the acquisition rates for the majority of online gambling establishments.

The experts at Casino Market can configure any affiliate program with the consideration of your operational area and target audience. Order the affiliate promotion from our company and ensure your casino popularity.

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  • Skype: support.casinosupermarket
  • the feedback form.
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