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Frequently Asked Questions about Online Casinos: Operator’s Version

Updated 14 august 2023
Online casino, Licensing, Management
Author: James Burton

The start of the online gambling business is straightforward for knowledgeable entrepreneurs. Charged with the necessary information, they make no mistakes in the setup process and ensure an attractive entertainment environment for their players.

Casino Market specialists decided to gather the most valuable material about the configuration of a gambling platform to supply our clients with relevant information. Apart from that, the company provides convenient turnkey services that imply the creation of the entire casino business from scratch.

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How much Can a Gambling Project Cost?

Online gambling business: project cost

The price changes upon the kind of project you want to start.

  1. In case you opt for a casino franchise, you will simply keep up the platform’s stable work. It implies that you need to spend practically no funds in the development of the project. Meanwhile, you will likewise get little income, as the greatest part will be sent to the partner’s organisation.
  2. If you decided to settle on White Label conditions, the costs will equal around $60,000–$70,000. It will for the most part incorporate the advertising commitments and will provide you with 20–35% of total income.
  3. Another solution to casino creation is the foundation of a completely new brand. In this case, you ought to possess $350,000 for an efficient start. Here, you will be fully accountable for the income that you get.

Which Country Suits Beginning Operators the Best to Receive a Licence?

While European states are known to be the most prestigious, the price for their services is also high. So, a few foreign jurisdictions are especially demanded among new operators:

The Isle of Man icon
The Isle of Man
Registration time:
Up to 4 months
An unified licence for all types of gambling business
0.1–5% of gross revenue
Malta icon
Registration time:
Up to 3 months
Reputable all over the world
5% of income
Curacao icon
Registration time:
Up to 2 months
Stable regulatory framework
No taxes
Gibraltar icon
Registration time:
Up to 4 months
Free app for registration
1% of income
Costa Rica icon
Costa Rica
Registration time:
Up to 3 months
Political and economic stability
0.5% of income (only on in-country earnings)

Is the US Operating Permit Worth Applying for?

The most efficient states for getting a permit are New Jersey, Nevada, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

These districts support the three most trendy types of gambling activities:

Different states additionally offer separate permits. However, in contrast with foreign jurisdictions, the cost is a lot higher. The US is surely a prestigious place to find an audience. But the complications in the bureaucratic procedures can be time- and cost-consuming. If the budget speaks in favour of receiving the US licence, it is definitely worth it.

Are There Any Changes in the Licensing Process due to the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The possibility to replenish the state’s treasury after economic problems because of Covid-19 motivates a lot of authorities to enhance the online gambling legislation. Several countries have already made considerable steps towards issuing operating permits. So, by the end of 2021, we may have a few new licensing destinations.

Aggregators: Who Are They, and What Are Their Distinctions from Software Suppliers?

Ordinarily, when you contact a product seller, they inquire about what is necessary for your particular request. A supplier will not advise over the efficiency of programming solutions or the appeal of entertainment content for an operational region.

Aggregators work with the suppliers and casino administrators straightforwardly. It means you can fall back on them and inquire about anything you may require assistance about. They will offer you broad guidance and help you sort out what your casino demands for a stable activity. Then, an aggregator will reach the product makers and request the essential content.

How Does Network Cooperation Benefit Casino Owners?

At the point when a portal manager develops his gambling website, he will likely have a very limited index of customers. No regular traffic means that the business will be hardly profitable and eventually collapses.

Cooperating with other casino owners makes it possible for the customers to enjoy the content along with other gamers. It works perfectly well when the number of punters of your establishment is not big. The mainstream games benefiting from network cooperation are roulette, poker, bingo, and blackjack.

Are Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency Worth Working with?

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies casino

Several industries have integrated cryptocurrency into their platforms. More businesses get acquainted with this type of payment and adapt it for their convenience. Internet casinos use crypto money on a Blockchain basis. They ensure the complete anonymity of cash transfers and instant transactions between two wallets.

The market is full of online casinos that are based entirely on Bitcoin. At the same time, a lot of gambling platforms allow either to use fiat money or crypto currency. With the steady growth of Bitcoin popularity ($57,000 apiece by February 2021), operators are recommended to start working with crypto money as soon as possible.

Are Responsible Gaming Principles Necessary for an Online Casino?

If the authorities of the registration country make you adhere to the principles of responsibility, you have no other decision. Otherwise, it is about the operator’s awareness. Making money is each administrator's definitive objective, yet in some cases, the advertising might be excessively imposing.

Players tend to have gambling problems that can eventually lead to a heavy obsession. To acquire loyalty from your punters, it is possible to introduce your guidelines to forestall circumstances of addiction development later on. By integrating diverse impediment instruments, operators provide the website visitors with a possibility to choose whether to utilise them or not.

What Variations of Bonus Programs are Both Enjoyable for Players and Efficient for an Operator?

The combination of all accessible rewards will guarantee all punters a gripping user experience. It is inefficient to provide a single bonus. Gamblers who are already enlisted players will not be motivated to continue depositing more. The wagering requirements are also important for consideration. They prevent bonus abuse and ensure the casino receives profit from the offered rewards.

Different types of bonuses include:


A player deposits $100 and receives an additional 100% to the account. Usually limited to a maximum sum


A player deposits $100 and receives an additional $50 to the account. The bonus is fixed regardless of the deposit

Free Spins

Bonus spins for certain games (usually from a single provider). For example, 100 spins split by 10 days


Also known as a registration reward. A player gets $10 after filling in the personal data of the account


A player (usually new) receives a part of his losses back to the account

The Main Things about Frequently Asked Questions about Online Casinos

Frequently asked questions about online casinos

Beginning entrepreneurs usually have many more questions than just these. Luckily, the information that they can not find on the Internet is accessible at professional aggregator companies. Casino Market provides extensive rundowns to all its clients and offers convenient turnkey business solutions.

Our experts will answer all your questions including:

  • cost of a gambling project;
  • the best country to suit beginning operators to receive a licence;
  • benefits of applying for the US operating permit;
  • changes in the licensing process due to the Coronavirus pandemic;
  • explanation of who aggregators are and their distinctions from software suppliers;
  • benefits of network cooperation;
  • advantages of cryptocurrency payment method;
  • responsible gaming principles and their worth for online casinos;
  • variations of bonus programs to be both enjoyable for players and efficient for operators;
  • many other important topics essential for opening and developing the internet gaming business.

Casino Market monitors the latest changes in the online gambling sphere. Our answers to all questions bear the freshest information. It allows Casino Market clients to stay up-to-date and adapt their platforms accordingly.

Order our elaborated turnkey casino solutions for building a profitable business environment.

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