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Set Up Efficient Online Casino Promotion with a Trendy Gamification Strategy

Updated 22 july 2024
Online casino, Marketing, Management
Author: James Burton

The principle of gamification implies offering the process of choosing a product or service in a form of entertainment. This way a client gets absorbed into the atmosphere and returns to the vendor repeatedly. This brand-new promotional method became particularly efficient in the gambling business. Operators started utilising the gaming content even before the actual wagering process — on the advertising stage.

Gamification in the online gambling business

Every gambling platform can come up with a unique scenario for maximising acquisition rates of players. The Casino Market studio has been using gamification for several years already. Our clients receive a trendy way to popularise their establishments and increase profitability. Join the list of successful gambling operators and order professional advertising assistance at Casino Market.

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How Gamification is Applied in Internet Gambling

The aim of this promotional approach is in beating the system and creating an illusion of a victory for a customer. It is similar to an in-game progression, evoking the feeling of satisfaction upon completing levels. When players receive a chance to outplay a casino, they will use this possibility.

Operators offer the following opportunities for players:

  1. Loyalties. Platform administrators attempt to transform the gambling activity into a game. Loyalty programs suggest making gifting points to punters. The more time players spend on the site, the better levels with correspondent prizes they reach. Those can be additional spins, gift tokens, in-game credits. Due to wagering weights, these bonuses bear very small expenses from the casino’s side while they mean a lot for players.
  2. Leaderboards and competitions. Gamification rule suggests rivalry. Playing virtual slot machines for fun is usually not enough for players. Attempting to get the most score in comparison to other visitors is what makes the difference here. This rivalry makes a lot of punters return to online casinos. Managers gift the top of the leaderboard with free spins, in-game funds, or tickets to next tournaments.
  3. Assignments. Some casino owners thought of a plan to offer punters different assignments while they play. They can be straightforward (arrive at a specific score in an activity) or more complicated (win a Blackjack competition). As a result, a player is ignited with the successful outcome of the event as well as the expected bonus in case of assignment completion.

Casino Market has already invented dozens of gamification approaches in the gambling industry. All of them work efficiently, granting operators increased flow of new players as well as retain the existing ones. Order the best advertising services at our company and start hosting more punters, offering them a unique gaming experience.

Popular Obstacles with Gamification

Gamification: popular obstacles

Punters inclinations define the direction that virtual casino advertisement campaigns move. But beginning administrators do not always have the fundamental experience to build a smooth gamification strategy. What works in one region can be completely useless in others.

Casino Market offers you to study an effective formation of a gamification plan that consists of:

  • a detailed examination of the focused region;
  • the gathering process of vital information about the predominant players;
  • defining specific objectives of the gamification situation;
  • software creation;
  • predicting possible relation to the offered system;
  • constant upgrades for increasing the operational process.

The absence of high-quality help in the improvement of a gamification plan can cause inconveniences and collapse the whole system. Casino Market offers you to investigate frequently committed errors and their potential solutions.

Pursuing only a win

Beginning casino manager consider that players’ main goal is usually a win and their excitement from the game depends on the positive result.


The playing process means a lot more to the majority of punters and makes them stay on the platform for a longer time.

Making tasks difficult

The main aim of the gamification promotion is to allow players to receive the remuneration and create an illusion of a task.


Under no circumstances should operators impose complicated assignments and deprive punters of receiving excitement.

Focusing on the poor interface

Gamification principles require as much attention from players’ side as possible to ensure they notice and perceive the atmosphere.


The ability to make players notice and accept the gamification rules defines the effectiveness, so it should be done with a corresponding stress.

Gifting wrong prizes

Poor configuration of bonus system distracts players and eliminates the chance of successful gamification strategy.


A wise operator will elaborate the corresponding levels of prizes, granting better offers to those punters who spend more efforts.

The comprehension of gamification standards allows casino administrators to use this strategy in expanding acquisition possibilities. Considering that it is a new advertising strategy, operators commit errors without proper supervision. Casino Market experts guarantee a steady growth of the gamification influence. Order our finest advertising services to ensure your gambling portal attracts new clients using the trendiest possibilities.

The Main Things about Gamification in Online Gambling

Gamification in online gambling: core notions

The competition on the internet gambling sphere demands new popularisation methods to be creative and efficient. The level of those gaming platforms that resort to gamification is considerably higher than those who use standard promotional means. At the same time, the configuration of this innovative advertising strategy requires enough experience for smooth implementing.

Casino Market desires to supply our clients with top-notch services, and gamification is one of them. Here are a few core notions you have to understand about it:

  • It implies creating an illusion of victory pursuit beyond the entertainment process itself.
  • Gamification in online gambling is implemented mainly through loyalty programs, leaderboards, and different tasks.
  • The setup for this promotional strategy requires market analysis, special software installation, elaboration of tasks, and constant upgrades.
  • The main obstacles on the way to configuring gamification promotion include pursuing only a victory, making tasks difficult, focusing on the poor interface, gifting wrong prizes.

Casino Market has served as a reliable guide for hundreds of operators. We have built dozens of individual gamification strategies for different brands. All our clients were satisfied with the received result. Order our greatest advertising services and ensure your gamification strategy works flawlessly.

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  • Skype: support.casinosupermarket
  • the feedback form.
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