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Fighting Affiliate Scams with Anti-Fraud Mechanisms and Strategies

12 january 2022
Author: James Burton

Levon Nikoghosyan, who runs the PartnerMatrix company, discussed all the peculiarities and pitfalls of affiliate marketing. He also pointed out how reliable partner platforms can assist operators in staying safe from various fraudulent schemes.

Fighting affiliate scams: anti-fraud mechanisms and strategies

The CEO says that the gambling industry brings together two opposite sides of business collaborations, which are casino operators and contributors from iGaming. For years, the company has been able to successfully navigate the cooperation between these two sides, and Nikoghosyan shares his company’s secrets to making it big in the industry.

Strategies Against Scams

Usually, the executive says, the success of partner marketing programs depends on a thought-out strategy. The second important thing is a high regard of the brand, which will attract the affiliates. And, finally, every business needs to conduct regular checks on their affiliates and avoid frauds, which are, sadly, quite common in the industry of iGaming.

Businesses need to be particularly mindful of frauds, since scammers are very active in the community, and sometimes, they manage to rack thousands of dollars from one fraudulent scheme. Some of the scams are thoroughly described by users on various forums, including AskGamblers, which are highly recommended to research and study in order to know possible risks.

Luckily, modern technological inventions and strategic marketing decisions are of great assistance, as they are helpful in preventing fraud. In addition, one’s own experience and knowledge is a powerful tool against any deception. This means that before you dive deep into security issues, you will need to familiarise yourself with the major scam tactics.

There are a lot of methods by which scammers can deceive casino businesses. In particular, the CPA model of operating is vulnerable to their schemes. However, every model is in a way susceptible to scams, even if it is considered rather safe.

Quite often, operators also tend to deceive their affiliates. A popular scheme is reducing their revenue, which leads to them not receiving benefits. The income decrease may be forged in various ways, such as providing fake conditions for the affiliates, declining cash withdrawals, and attaching false costs over their revenue.

Ways to Combat Fraud

PartnerMatrix managed to develop a strong tool against frauds that are specific to affiliate marketing. It can uncover fraudulent schemes on multiple levels and notify operators of possible danger, assisting them in standing up to foul practises.

There are a few levels of this mechanism, which are independent of each other and are made to discover possible unjust behaviours. For instance, it could be a simple algorithm of checking the IPs, or a more complicated analysis that reveals false registrations, suspicious traffic, or other things that evoke uncertainty.

Every component of the tool has its separate priority level, which depends on the level of danger a potential fraud scheme constitutes. Naturally, the mechanism is frequently being updated with the new data, such as modern scam scenarios and ways of stopping them. Its main goal is to stop swindlers and catch them in the act before they can outsmart the system.


The tools that focus on statistical data also carry incredible power when it comes to combating fraud both from the affiliate partner and the operator. It is closely connected with the amount of traffic generated, so both affiliate and casino management teams can catch sight of some dubious actions.

PartnerMatrix has had recent experience with detecting scammers. The operator has detected a trend of a newly registered player that would place suspiciously large wagers after they gambled through a sequence of small-scale bets earlier. The further analysis showed that it was the doing of the business partner that tried to gather commissions in this fraudulent way.

Other Methods of Security

Gathering data and developing special tools that help detect fraud is important for every business. However, there are a few more things that should be taken into account.

You should always aspire for forming partnerships with trustworthy collaborators. For this, you will need to:

  • research their business name prior to cooperation;
  • maintain clear communication with them;
  • give explicit records of all the aspects of your joint work.

In the words of Nikoghosyan, his company is currently on the right path when it comes to detecting fraud. PartnerMatrix’s advanced tools are becoming more and more up-to-date as they gain knowledge of new scam algorithms in the field of partnered marketing.

For every business that is determined to uncover scams and stay safe, we have a special proposition. You can order EveryMatrix software from the Casino Market team to ensure that your company has the best protection from the swindlers.

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