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IBIA Makes Its Long-Awaited Move Stateside

15 february 2022
Author: James Burton

The IBIA is moving to the United States soon in order to control the situation with the betting industry’s integrity and fairness. The high-ranking representative of the association, Khalid Ali, has provided some opinions on the matter.

IBIA makes its long-awaited move stateside

IBIA in North America: What is There to Know?

Most of the bookmaker companies in the region are already cooperating with IBIA. This means the move of this organisation to the United States and Canada was inevitable. The statistics show that 60% of the businesses presented on the market are already under the protection of IBIA.

Khalid Ali says that this is an essential step in the development of the industry. In his words, the company, which rebranded 3 years ago and made its purpose to grow globally, has made another step towards its international operation. The chief also mentioned looking forward to the 2020 plans, which were sadly intervened with by the pandemic.

He confirmed that American integration was in the plans for a long time and this seemed like the perfect moment. The expert raised a point that only a few years ago not many states had betting introduced legally. Nowadays, the industry is way more prominent throughout the country.

Future Work of the Committee

Ali commented on the association’s planned operations, saying that it will bring a lot of new technologies on maintaining the integrity that are not present in the region so far. He noted the 15-year experience that the group has in this field and the solid authority that they have established, along with the partnerships they have created.

He also pointed out the international dataset that they can carry over to the States. The executive said that a lot of current members are gradually moving to America and preparing to work there. The executive is planning a balanced approach to finding out whether there has been any breach of regulations.

Past SWIMA Experience

IBIA has already attempted to cooperate with the United States market by being involved in the work of SWIMA, another committee that was responsible for the gambling industry’s integrity. However, the CEO states that for his company, it was merely a stopping point before all the members relocated to the States.

In his words, he and his employees talked things over with the operator companies that were in charge of establishing the organisation, allowing them to use their platform’s alternative version. The work of SWIMA was rather temporary for the officials, and later, they came to a decision to create a more global association for the necessities of secure betting.

Transition to the United States

The big move to the US was not easy for the company. There was a challenge based on receiving licence documentation which became an extra complication in light of already problematic entrance to the States. Ali admits they had to comply with a few regulations just to get their business started, which included detailed descriptions of the company in some states. There was also a fingerprint requirement.

Speaking about the rules, the executive states they were individual to each state, and the group had to conform to various regulations. He said that they will start their US expansion with 6 territories and then apply for certification in others.

A few local peculiarities could also become a cause of potential issues. For instance, a variety of states need monitoring groups to introduce them to the data that would assist them in their activity.

Ali is against this process since he does not feel it to be necessary, as according to the internal processes of their company, the employees filter things out. He said that he attempted to explain this to the regulatory groups, recounting that all the raw data is not needed, and they provide only the most relevant information.


Putting aside these possible problems, Ali says that the new way of functioning can be highly beneficial for maintaining integrity. A multitude of markets put an obligation on operators to join the committee that will monitor issues. Even though some European territories also comply with this policy, it mostly prevails in the United States.

According to Ali, it is a bonus for the operators to join the association, and would inevitably help make sure that all the regulations are followed. Even though some challenges and adjustments remain, the executive is looking forward to launching IBIA in America. In his opinion, the knowledge and profound experience that the group has will help it become a strong member of the market.

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